CENTRO DE BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR SEVERO OCHOACaptura de pantalla 2022 09 14 a las 10.27.10    
From 24 to 28 June, CBM CBM welcomed 6 of the participants in the Spanish Biology Olympiad, including three gold medalists
Thursday 20 June. José Ignacio Pichardo offered, in the Ramón Areces Room of the Center of Molecular Biology, a seminar entitled: "LGBTI+ Diversity and University". The hosts were Alejandra Gámez and Andrés Soto.
The researcher Ana Ortega Molina, selected as a full member of the Young Academy of Spain
On June 5, the first grade students of the Sorolla High School visited the CBM, as one of the students in the class was the winner of the SEBBM contest: "Draw a person who is dedicated to science"
Thursday, 25 April. Sarah-Maria Fendt gave a Seminar in the Ramón Areces Hall belonging to the "25th Cycle of Severo Ochoa Seminars" (15th David Vazquez Memorial Lecture). The host was Eduardo Balsa.

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05 Jul

Doctoral Thesis Defense

Title:   "Papel de Neurogranina en la regulación de la señalización de Calcio/Calmodulina y su impacto en la plasticidad neuronal

Speaker:   Elena Martínez Blanco

Directores:   Francisco J. Díez Guerra

Place:  Sala Ramón Areces, CBM

09 Jul

Doctoral Thesis Defense

Title:   "Genome replication and early lineage choices during mouse embryonic development

Speaker:   Marta Portela Martínez

Director:   Miguel Manzanares

Place:  Sala Ramón Areces, CBM

09 July

Special Seminar  

Title:   Early steps of individual multi-receptor viral interactions dissected at the single virus level"

Speaker:   Juan A. Torreño- Piña 

Host:    Fernando Martín-Belmonte  

Place:   Sala Ramón Areces, CBM

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10 Jul

Equality Cycle

Title:   Diversidad LGBTQIA+ EN CIENCIA: situación actual y acciones por la igualdad

Speaker:   Aitor Villafranca  (Instituto de Óptica CSIC / Director de Educación de la asociación PRISMA)

Host: Álvaro Sahún

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11 Jul

Off-Academia Seminar Series / TRAIN@CBM  

Title:   Reflections on 25 years of pursuing a meaningful career in science: lessons learned through many failures"

Speaker:   Thilo Hagen  (Professor National University of Singapur)

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12 Jul

Doctoral Thesis Defense

Title:   "Identificación de una ruta autofágica no convencional que reprime la liberación de ATP durante la muerte celular apoptótica

Speaker:   Elena Terraza Silvestre

Director:   Felipe Pimentel

Place:   Sala Ramón Areces, CBM

30 Jul

Doctoral Thesis Defense

Title:   "Role of PI3K isoforms in linking synaptic plasticity and metabolism in neurons and astrocytes

Speaker:   Alba Fernández Rodrigo

Director:   José A. Esteban / M. Isabel Cuartero

Place:   Sala Ramón Areces, CBM

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