A-Z list of Principal Investigators Principal investigators A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ⛌ Aguado Orea, Begoña Regulation of gene expression in Leishmania Alarcón Sánchez, Balbino Signal transduction by the T-cell antigen receptor Alcamí Pertejo, Antonio Immunity and viromics Almendral del Río, José Mª ssDNA virus evolution, pathogenesis and anti-cancer potential Alonso Lebrero, Miguel Ángel Cell polarity Amils Pibernat, Ricardo Molecular ecology of extreme environments Anerillas Aljama, Carlos Damage response and senescence Ávila de Grado, Jesús Tau function and dysfunction in Alzheimer disease Azpiazu Torres, Natalia Mechanisms of tumorigenesis in Drosophila