Department Lead
María José Martín Pereira
Contact information
91 196 45 03
Science and technology are part of our cultural heritage. Activities related to science communication and scientific dissemination are increasingly important for researchers and for society, for many reasons: they allow society to learn more about the work of researchers and the impact that science has on all fields, increase the interest and support of governments and entities that provide financial support to scientific work, and also promote scientific vocations in young people.
Our Science Dissemination and Public Engagement programmes includes participation in many activities. Among others: guided tours of the scientific and technical departments for school students – an activity that has been carried out for more than a quarter of a century and in which our Centre is a pioneer in Spain; various courses for teaching professionals; specific programmes such as the 4ºESO+Empresa programme of the Community of Madrid, or that of Finalist Students of the Spanish Biology Olympics; various activities – talks, workshops – during Science Week; participation in Science Dissemination Fairs; science dissemination seminars in Centres, Schools or Secondary Education Institutes – mainly during the celebration of Cultural Weeks. Furthermore, due to the excellence of its research and the scientific dissemination capacity of some of its members, the CBM has a long tradition of collaboration and participation in countless press, radio, television and digital media formats.
Communications and science outreach department
The CBM Communications and Science Outreach department has the following objectives and tasks:
– Promote the national and international relevance of CBM
– Make the scientific achievements of the center visible, through the dissemination of articles, grants, scholarships, conferences, seminars, theses, etc.
– Coordinate and scale the center’s communication channels: social networks, website, etc.
– Promote the relationship with the press and other media, including through the CSIC and UAM communications departments
– Organize outreach and educational events and activities at the CBM and beyond, and inform the public about them and other news and initiatives of interest
– Facilitate and encourage the participation of our scientists in events and activities of scientific culture, both their own and in collaboration with the CSIC, the UAM and other national and international organizations.
– Promote the attraction of scientific and management talent by disseminating job offers
– Collaborate with other CSIC centers on the UAM campus and outside it, to develop activities and events
– Coordinate internal communications for CBM staff
Ciencia Contigo
Ciencia Contigo is a science outreach event for all audiences organized annually by the Severo Ochoa Foundation (FSO), with the support of the Community of Madrid and the Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CBM). The FSO Board of Trustees includes CBM researchers such as Federico Mayor Menéndez and Jesús Ávila, among others, and its secretary is Paola Bovolenta, Director of the CBM.
In 2024 we celebrate the third edition of the Ciencia Contigo outreach event. The first and second editions were held at the Residencia de Estudiantes, with a great reception by the Madrid public. These two events had very complete programs with presentations by leading speakers in research and outreach in the areas covered: general topics in the first edition, a focus on neuroscience on the occasion of the Cajal Year in the second edition.
In 2023, the Ciencia Contigo event was accompanied by a science+art exhibition consisting of pairs of images, one a selected Cajal drawing, and the other an experimental image related to the drawing. The experimental images were submitted by scientists from all over Spain and Europe.
This year 2024 the theme of the event is ‘The MicroLife’ and the presentations will focus on the importance of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, etc.) and their impact on various areas of our daily life, society and technology. The event includes several speakers in different formats: short talks and round tables of three speakers each. Ricardo Moure will be the master of ceremonies for the entire event.
The speakers are experts in topics as diverse and interesting for the public as the antimicrobial resistance crisis, emerging viruses, the functioning of our immune system, the effects of our microbiome on mental health, the possible characteristics of life outside the earth or the use of microorganisms in biotechnology. These experts come from various centers of the CSIC and other research centers in Spain.
Download the complete program of Ciencia Contigo 2024 – La MicroVida.
Guided tours for schools
The guided visits to the Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Centre offer a unique opportunity to get to know closely one of the main scientific research institutes in Spain, founded in 1975 by Nobel prize winner Severo Ochoa on the campus of the Autonomous University of Madrid. We have more than 90 leading research groups in various fields of biomedicine, supported by 20 high-quality scientific-technical services.
How do the visits work?
We offer these guided tours completely free of charge, once a month during the academic year, with a stop in December (October to May). The maximum number of participants we can accommodate on each visit is 30 people, due to the characteristics of our facilities and for safety reasons. During the guided visit, students will be able to tour the centre’s modern facilities, including state-of-the-art laboratories, scientific services, specialised research areas and collaborative workspaces. Scientists from the centre will explain their most outstanding projects in areas such as genetics, microbiology, and neuroscience, showing first-hand how their research contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge and also how they have come to work in a centre like ours. They will also answer any questions the students may have.
The visits take place in the morning, with the following format:
– Introductory talk to the CBM.
– Visit to a laboratory: in small groups of a maximum of 10 people. Each group will be guided by a member of the laboratory they are visiting.
– Visit to a scientific service: the guide of each group will take the students to the scientific-technical service with which their laboratory collaborates the most, where they will learn about its main characteristics and functions.
How do I apply for a place?
Schools wishing to apply for one of our guided tours can do so by filling in this form: click here to access the application form.
The form will be open from 13 September to 30 September 2024 inclusive. Once the applications have been received, the selected schools will be contacted and offered a date for the visit and must confirm that they accept the date offered.
The guided tours are aimed at students of 2nd Baccalaureate (Science and Technology) or Vocational Training (science or bio-sanitary branches).
Activities for intellectually gifted people
Intellectual giftedness is an intellectual ability significantly higher than average. It is a characteristic of children, variously defined, that motivates differences in school programming. There is no generally agreed definition of giftedness for either children or adults, and definitions of giftedness also vary across cultures, although they typically refer to people with high IQ scores is still being explored. There is still much controversy and much research on the topic of how adult performance unfolds from trait differences in childhood, and what educational and other supports best help the development of adult giftedness.
At the CBM we would like to support this community of children and young adults, offering specific activities for them.
Science Week
Año 2024
Nuestras actividades divulgativas en el marco de la Semana de la Ciencia 2024 incluyen: charlas presenciales y online, un taller interactivo y una jornada de puertas abiertas al CBM para Centros Educativos.
Toda la información y reservas se pueden obtener en la página de la Semana de la Ciencia del CSIC.
Año 2023
European Researchers' Night
‘El CSIC te llama esta noche’: La Noche Europea de la Investigación 2024
Llevamos la mejor ciencia a la calle en un evento multitudinario que tendrá lugar en Espacio Fundación Telefónica. La Noche Europea de los Investigadores y las Investigadoras 2024 se celebrará el 27 de septiembre, viernes, en el corazón de Madrid. Aquí tienes toda la información que necesitas.
Por la mañana: feria de ciencia para Primaria, ESO y Bachillerato
De 11 de la mañana a 13.30 horas, celebraremos una gran feria de ciencia en Espacio Fundación Telefónica: tendremos nuestro famoso ‘Carrito de la Ciencia’, exploraremos los secretos del vidrio y las cerámicas, descubriremos la sorprendente superconductividad, jugaremos con catalizadores, pilas de hidrógeno y tabla periódica y comprobaremos en nuestras manos el poder antioxidante de la fruta.
Por supuesto, no faltará nuestro Escape Road: a la búsqueda de mujeres Nobel y no Nobel. En esta yincana el alumnado se divertirá jugando mientras aprende el nombre, los trabajos y la historia de grandes científicas de todo el mundo.
Por la tarde: actividades para todos los públicos, ¡y concurso de monólogos científicos!
A las cinco de la tarde (17 horas), y hasta las 8 (20 horas), abriremos las puertas de nuestra feria científica en Espacio Fundación Telefónica para recibir a toda aquella persona que se quiera acercar a conocer, de la forma más divertida posible, la ciencia que hacemos en el CSIC. Tendremos ‘stands’ para pasearse de uno a otro viendo y experimentando con nuestro personal de investigación todo lo que tenemos que contar. Además, programaremos talleres a puerta cerrada con horarios estipulados y control de aforo para entrenar nuestra visión de rayos X, extraer ADN, investigar la biotecnología de plantas, conocer las propiedades de las algas como alimento alternativo y comprobar el poder antioxidante de la fruta.
Este año, como novedad, tendremos un divertidísimo concurso de monólogos científicos: a las 17 horas abrimos puertas para la primera edición de este concurso de chistes científicos con los que, como en cualquier buen experimento… no sabemos qué puede pasar. La primera sesión será a las 17.30 y, la segunda, a las 19.00. Cada edición tendrá concursantes diferentes: personal de los diez centros del CSIC se batirá en duelo y sólo una persona (o equipo) podrá ganar en cada pase horario: ¿Quién cuenta la ciencia de la forma más divertida? Lo decidirá el público con el infalible método del ‘aplausómetro’. Habrá carcajadas y, muy probablemente, lágrimas (a risa viva).
ENTRADA LIBRE: recomendamos llegar con suficiente tiempo para asegurar la plaza.
Resumen de enlaces para ampliar información:
- Oferta de actividades para Primaria
- Oferta de actividades para Secundaria
- Oferta de actividades en la feria científica para todos los públicos
- Oferta de talleres a puerta cerrada (con pases horarios)
- Programa de Monólogos científicos
Quiénes somos
Actividad organizada por los centros del CSIC en el Campus de Cantoblanco de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM) (coordinador), Instituto de Catálisis y Petroleoquímica (ICP), Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB), Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Alimentación (CIAL), Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio (ICV), Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (ICMAT), Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT), Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología (IMN), Centro de Biología Molecular (CBM), Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Sols-Morreale (IIBM).
NIGHTMADRID es un proyecto de divulgación científica, coordinado por la Fundación madri+d y financiado por la Unión Europea dentro del Programa Horizonte Europa, bajo las acciones Marie Skłodowska-Curie con el acuerdo de subvención nº 101.162.110.
4ºESO+Empresa program (Comunidad de Madrid)
El CBM participa en el programa 4ºESO+Empresa de la Comunidad de Madrid. Durante el curso académico 2023-2024, 14 estudiantes de secundaria participaron como parte del programa propio, y otros 6 como visitates de diversos laboratorios.
Los destinatarios son alumnos que cursen 4º curso de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria.
Plazas ofertadas: 14
Plazo para solicitar las estancias: 11 – 23 de enero.
Fechas para la realización de las estancias: 18 – 21 de marzo ambos inclusive (4 días).
Se realizarán prácticas en los siguientes servicios:
- Biotecnología de proteínas
- Animalario
- Cultivos
- Genómica
- Análisis biocomputacional
- Proteómica
- Microscopía óptica avanzada
- Microscopía electrónica
- Citometría de flujo
Para la inscripción:
La solicitud vía formulario se debe realizar exclusivamente desde el centro educativo. Ni los alumnos ni los padres podrán solicitarlo.
¡¡IMPORTANTE!! Cada centro deberá enviar un solo formulario porque sólo se admitirá a un alumno/a por centro educativo (si se envía más de una solicitud, no se tendrá en cuenta ninguna).
Normas y procedimientos para solicitar estancias en el CSIC
Programa 4ºESO+empresa de la Comunidad de Madrid
Una vez en la web del programa, hay que seguir el enlace que aparece en la sección del CSIC, en el documento ir a la página 8.
Spanish Biology Olympics
En los últimos años el CBMSO viene colaborando con la organización de la Olimpiada Española de Biología. Después de las fases regionales de este certamen, a los alumnos más brillantes que acuden a la final les ofrecemos la posibilidad de que lleven a cabo una estancia de 5 días en el CBMSO. Los informes de los alumnos y nuestro compromiso con la sociedad, y especialmente con los jóvenes, nos animan a continuar con este tipo de acciones.
Científic@s en prácticas program
“Científic@s en prácticas” (‘Scientists in practice’) is a science outreach programme that offers one-week stays in research laboratories for young people in the 3rd year of ESO and 2nd year of PMAR, who come from disadvantaged backgrounds and stand out for their interest and academic effort.
This project, promoted and coordinated by the CSIC, is directed by the researcher Jesús Rey, from the Institute of Philosophy, with the support of the Spanish Association for the Advancement of Science (AEAC) and the Outreach Unit of the Centre for Human and Social Sciences, with the aim of promoting scientific vocations among young people from vulnerable areas.
The CBM is host to students of this program, through three of our research groups led by María Gómez Vicentefranqueira, Miguel Manzanares and Natalia Azpiazu.
The programme has the backing of the Health Network for Social Responsibility and Sustainability, as well as the support of private foundations such as the Talgo Foundation and the Pelayo Foundation.
In addition to the internships, ‘Científic@s en prácticas’ includes visits to research centres for all students, as well as presentations by researchers at secondary schools. In total, some twenty visits have been carried out in both directions. Outreach videos about the participating laboratories are also being produced in collaboration with trainees through an agreement with UCM, who receive training in scientific audiovisual communication.
In the long term, the programme aims to extend progressively throughout the country and to provide support for students to continue their scientific studies.
For more information, the programme has its own website.
Biotechnology Course for educators
Science with Chocolate
An informative programme of talks, originally accompanied by chocolate, and now accompanied by a drink with friends at the Moe Club. Organised by Enrique de la Rosa and Margarita del Val, and supported by the Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas Margarita Salas, el Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, the Spanish Association of Scientists, the DRO Foundation, the Spanish Society of Immunology and the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry.
More information: Science with chocolate.
Catalogue of scientific conferences for schools
This catalogue includes proposals for informative talks by CBM researchers. Educational institutions (or any other group) interested in the offer of activities, can select and request those lectures that are suitable to complement the contents of their syllabus, or to encourage scientific dissemination in schools.
Access to the catalogue (CSIC Delegation in the Community of Madrid)
I Severo Ochoa Week
Organised by the Royal Academy of Medicine of Spain in collaboration with the Carmen and Severo Ochoa Foundation, the University of Nebrija and the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM).
Download the full programme here.
During the I Severo Ochoa Week, the Carmen and Severo Ochoa Foundation will award its yearly prize to our researcher María Llorens. The award ceremony will include a conference by CNIO Director and former recipient of this award, María Blasco.
Download the award and conference poster.
More information about the I Severo Ochoa Week is on the SEBBM website.
María José Martín Pereira
Lab.: 078 Ext.: 4503
María Josefa Rodríguez Gómez
Lab.: 113 Ext.: 4503