About the CBM

Sustainability committee


Committee Chair

Raquel Marco Ferreres


Committee Vice-chair

Carmela Cela Rodriguez


Contact information


We are in the midst of an unprecedented climate crisis, and we all have a responsibility to take action. Research laboratories consume approximately ten times more electricity and four times more water than offices of the same size and generate an estimated 5.5 million tonnes of plastic waste per year. It is therefore imperative to make changes in the way we work, in the management of the waste we produce and to take an active part in the fight against this crisis.

The main objective of the Sustainability Committee is to promote and encourage sustainable and responsible practices in all areas of CBM’s activity, thus ensuring an effective commitment to the conservation of the environment and biodiversity. To this end, we are working on a series of relatively simple proposals with the aim of reducing the carbon footprint of our centre and promoting greener practices.

Committee members

* Chair: Raquel Marco Ferreres raquel.marco@cbm.csic.es
* Vice-chair: Carmela Cela Rodríguez ccela@cbm.csic.es

* César Martos Valladares cesarmartos@cbm.csic.es Head of Maintenance
* Mercedes Dávila Cerrato mdavila@cbm.csic.es Head of Cell Culture and Sterilisation
* Gema Caparrós de la Jara sbiologica@cbm.csic.es Biosafety and Radioprotection
* Elena Calvo Cazalilla elena.calvo@cbm.csic.es SMOA
* Isidro García Gómez igarcia@cbm.csic.es Animal Facility
* Hisse M. van Santen hvansanten@cbm.csic.es PI
* Leyre Campos Talaverón lcampos@cbm.csic.es Purchasing
* María José Martín Pereira mjmartin@cbm.csic.es Head of Communications & Science Outreach
* Carolina Sánchez Fernandez carolina_s@cbm.csic.es Technician
* Mª Carmen López Vara mclv@cbm.csic.es Quality Control
* Pedro Pemau Alonso ppemau@cbm.csic.es ITS

* Álvaro Sahún Español alvaro.sahun@cbm.csic.es SMOA
* Francisco Gutiérrez de la Cruz pacoguti@cbm.csic.es Instrumentation
* Andrés Soto Zaragoza andres.soto@cbm.csic.es PhD researcher
* Fernando García Muñoz fgarcia@cbm.csic.es Workplace Health and Safety

Sustainability guide
Monthly actions

Join us in our monthly sustainable actions!

Sustainability documents