Committee Chairs

Miguel Manzanares

Laura Formentini

The TRAIN@CBM program for early career researchers (ECR, includes PhD and postdoctoral researchers), aims at:

a) PREPARING the ECRs for the job market in academia, industry and beyond

b) CREATING an integrated community within the CBM

c) ATTRACTING international talent

d) PROMOTING women in science

Our Training Committee is composed of 2 PIs from each CBM Scientific program and other representatives and is in charge of reaching these aims.

Committee members
  • Chairs: Miguel Manzanares and Laura Formentini
  • María Gomez Vicentefranqueira
  • Claudio Toma
  • Catalina Ribas
  • Marta Perez Pereira
  • Carlos Estella
  • Alvaro Sahún
  • Enrique Gabandé
  • Maria José Martin Pereira
  • Valentín Riomoros
Programs and activities
  • PhD Thesis Advisory Comite (PhDAC):  Each PhD researcher will have an advisory committe. This will include the supervisor, one internal and one external advisor with proven experience in the research subject. The supervisor and candidate will propose the advisors, and the Training Committee will approve the proposals. The PhDAC will meet yearly to set goals and experimental plan; oversee progress and troubleshooting experimental, conceptual and practical obstacles. The PhD will present and discuss aims and progresses with the PhDAC and advisors will meet with the PhD and the supervisor separately afterwards. Finally, the supervisor will write a report for the Training Commitee.


  • CBM Training Program: our newly established training program for CBM PhD students and early career researchers (postdocs and more) consists of courses, talks and workshops. For PhD students, these activities are arranged throughout the four years of their thesis studies. The activities cover topics ranging from research integrity and ethics to translation of scientific output,  scientific and thesis writing, etc. We have expert facilitators from our community, external providers, and collaborators from different sectors.


  • Scientific Integrity and Ethics School: as part of the CBM Training Program, the Ethics School is a 1-day program organised together with the CSIC (Ethics Committee), UAM (Animal Research Ethics Committee), ISCIII (clinical research) Research Ethics Committees, and the ISCIII Commission for the Use of Human Cells and Tissues.


    • Off-Academia Seminar Series: orientation in non-academic career options is provided via bimonthly talks to help our early career researchers and scientific community explore and learn more about various professional sectors of interest.


    • Help@Hand Office: two members of the Training Committee act as the first-line contact to solve PhD and Postdoc academic or work issues.


    • Mentorship: The current CBMent program assigns a mentor to our early career researchers. The mentors follow the mentees’ progress and provide guidance whenever needed. Mentors are assigned by agreement with the mentees, under the supervision of CBMent director, Prof. Gines Morata.


    • Additional training: to help early career researchers, the CBM can provide funding to participate in Lab Management Courses organized by EMBO, or similar available activities.


    • Cross-disciplinary school: PhD students will have two co-supervisors from different disciplines, will be organised together with Severo Ochoa Excellence Centres in the UAM campus (physics IFT, mathematics ICMAT, nanotechnology IMDEANano).