A-Z list of Principal Investigators Principal investigators A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ⛌ Baena López, Luis Alberto Molecular characterisation of caspase biology Balsa Martínez, Eduardo Mitochondrial dysfunction in metabolic diseases Baonza Cuenca, Antonio Cellular response to stress and morphogenesis Bastolla Bufalini, Ugo Computational biology and Bioinformatics Beccari, Leonardo Transcriptional regulation of the development of the cerebral cortex Berlanga Chiquero, Juan José Regulation of mRNA translation in eukaryotes and its implications for organismal life Blanco Dávila, Luis Genome maintenance and variability: enzymology of DNA replication and repair Bonay Miarons, Pedro Functional glycogenomics Bovolenta Nicolao, Paola Morphogenesis and neurodegeneration of the vertebrate Central Nervous System Bullido Gómez-Heras, Mª Jesús Pathogenic mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease