Scientific program
Physiological and pathological processes

Federico Mayor Menéndez
Lab 320
Ext. 4626
In this program, we study the molecular laws that govern normal cellular function, using in vitro reconstitution systems, isolated cells and whole organisms, in order to then understand the mechanisms that lead to the occurrence of human disease. In addition to the generation of knowledge, we put in this program a strong emphasis on the transfer to the clinics, and pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, the knowledge obtained in physiological and pathological systems, so to advance in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of human diseases. To achieve these objectives, our program has scientific experts in all areas of biology, from genetics, biochemistry and cell and molecular biology to animal behaviour and computational biology. Moreover, several members of this program have strong ties with hospitals and diagnostic centres, conferring to our program a true “bench-to-bed” capacity. And in addition to the scientific strengths, our program has a very important role in the formation and training of scientists, thus contribution to the future leaders of Spanish science.