CENTRO DE BIOLOGÍA MOLECULAR SEVERO OCHOACaptura de pantalla 2022 09 14 a las 10.27.10    

Molecular basis of neuronal plasticity

Research summary:

Memories are encoded by long-term changes in synaptic efficiency and connectivity. An in-depth knowledge of the molecular basis of synaptic regulation is fundamental to decipher the mechanisms involved in the formation of memories. Our group studies the cellular and molecular mechanisms that modulate the plasticity of neural networks, with the aim of finding molecular targets and effective strategies to improve cognitive performance. Synaptic activity triggers intracellular calcium (Ca+2) oscillations that locally modulate several signaling pathways. Calmodulin (CaM), a protein that binds calcium, translates these oscillations into intracellular signaling events. Its availability and activity are locally regulated by proteins such as neurogranin (Ng), very abundant in the post-synaptic environment, which sequesters CaM in a Ca+2 and phosphorylation dependent manner. We use several preparations including primary cultures of dissociated neurons to understand the role of Ng in events of synaptic plasticity, such as those associated with hebbian plasticity (Long Term Potentiation -LTP- and Long Term Depression -LTD) and homeostatic plasticity (synaptic scaling). For that we use a combination of biochemical, molecular biology, electrophysiology, advanced microscopy and other imaging techniques. Since Ng levels and cognitive performance are positively correlated in the human brain, we are interested to understand the mechanisms underlying the regulation of Ng transcription and its local translation in dendrites. We propose Ng as a molecular target for strategies designed to prevent, treat or alleviate conditions and pathologies associated to impaired cognitive function. We justify this objective on the following premises. First, Ng function is quite restricted to its action in the brain. Thus, Ng deficiency in mice does not cause apparent anatomical or physiological abnormalities, but severe cognitive impairments. And second, targeting Ng expression to improve cognition is very likely devoid of side-effects, since Ng expression is tightly regulated in space and time (only expressed in the postnatal forebrain) and specifically associated to cognitive performance. In summary, a broader and deeper understanding of the role of Ng and other CaM-sequestering proteins in the mechanisms of neuronal plasticity will contribute to the development of newer therapies to improve the cognitive function and quality of life of aging individuals and patients suffering from neurological diseases.


Figure 1.


Figure 2.


Figure 3.


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Last nameNameLaboratoryExt.*e-mailProfessional category
Díez GuerraFco. Javier3074612fjdiez(at)cbm.csic.esCatedrático Universidad, GA
Martínez BlancoElena3074642elena.martinez(at)cbm.csic.esInvestigador

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  • F Javier Díez-Guerra. “Neurogranin, a link between calcium/calmodulin and protein kinase C signaling in synaptic plasticity”. IUBMB Life 62(8):597-606 (2010). DOI: 10.1002/iub.357. PMID: 20665622. 
  • Alberto Garrido-García, Beatriz Andrés-Pans, Lara Durán-Trío, F Javier Díez-Guerra. “Activity-dependent Translocation of Neurogranin to Neuronal Nuclei”. Biochemical Journal 424 (3), 419-29 (Dec 2009). DOI: 10.1042/BJ20091071. PMID: 19751214.
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